Roggebaai Canal – Cape Town Most people have heard of the V and A waterfront in Cape Town, but how many know there is a navigable canal and a lock as well? It’s only a small canal but it does exist. The canal was built to connect the foreshore area in Cape...
Shangri-La after a clean and polish I am back in Aberdeen at the moment, but I spent the rest of the week in Zwartluis working hard on Shangri-La. The new propellor shaft that had been supplied was rejected by the yard as it was also slightly out of true. It would...
A Valkkruiser 1260 When you fall off a horse, they say you must get right back on! So, despite the recent disappointment, we are off to Holland in a few days to look for our dream boat again. We have a hectic long weekend planned – we will drive all over...
See French recollections 1 Migenne – Connoisseur Boats I said we moored up at Migenne that night. It wasnt as simple as that. We had planned to stop at Laroch St Cyndroine which was reported to be lovely. It was – and of course all the moorings...
Our boat Bouccanier at Joigny in France In 2008 Karen and I spent nearly a month on a boat in France, cruising on the River Yonne and Nivernaise Canal. This was our first trip to France. We thoroughly enjoyed it, and afterwards, we were hooked – both on...