Last view of Bergen

This was our last view of Bergen!

Idylic – flat seas and yachts dotted on the horison.
That was a few days ago.

Now we are in the middle of the North sea and have had 2 days of pretty horrendous weather – calming down now though.

Lone yacht – middle of the North Sea

As much as I love small boating, I am very wary of the ocean and her moods.

There have been quite a number of yachts passing our way out here.

The day before the weather turned bad, this lone yacht sailed passed – flying a Danish flag – and presumable heading home to Denmark.
I hope he made it in time.

Unfriendly ocean

The next day it was more like this.

This is supposed to be summer here up North, and communicating with Karen back home in Cape Town, I believe they are having hot and windy conditions with gale force South Easters.

Also not seasonal!
How often have you visited friends or relatives in a foreign part, and the day you are there they apologise for the weather and remark that it is most unseasonal?

So, boaters – enjoy the oceans, but take note of the forecasts and don’t bank on the weather being ‘seasonal’!

Happy sailing.

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