Saturday 29 to Monday 31 July
Genelard to Paray-le-Monial
Another early start. We got going about 08.45, to be at the first lock at 09.00. We traveled together with a New Zealand boat all the way to Paray. Made it quite easy as they were ahead and entered to locks first, and were able to help us with ropes and operate the lock. There was no water in Genelard, but we passed a water point a little way passed the first lock at Palinges, so we both stopped and filled up.
We also passed the Chateau de Digoin. Apparently worth a visit, but there was no place to moor up, and we would have had to cross a field with some very large cows or bulls!Arrived at Paray-le-Monial just before 13.00, having covered a whole 21 kms and locked down through 7 locks with a total drop of 18.2 metres.
When we arrived at the main mooring place, there were huge marquees all over, and a whole sort of festival going on. Very noisy! So we went on a little and found free moorings a little further on. No electricity or water, but there was a passable toilet facility.
Paray was a lot bigger than I expected. There is a beautiful cathedral, and Paray is some sort of gathering place for Christians, which was what all the marquees were about. Interesting connection – back home in Cape Town very close to where we live is the Church of St Margaret-Mary who apprently came from Pary-le-Monial.
It was Karen’s friend Anne’s last day with us. We wandered up to the town and visited the cathedral. Very beautiful. We bought some real champagne to drink back on the boat, then came back up to town in the evening. It was all very festive with lots of white decorations and lights illuminating the sidewalks.
Apparently the previous evening was a celebration called Le Blanc Nuit. Pity we missed it. Don’t know why but I love photos of reflections on water, and managed to take a few lovely shots.
The next morning, Sunday, we saw Anne off at the bus station and then had another lazy day generally catching up on things. It was also still very hot, and with the odd downpour – not good for boating!
Next – on to Digoin.
Bon voyage.